
Paying your Competition entry fee by Direct Bank Transfer for FFF Competitions

First pay the Competition entry fee of £2.55 to Free Future Foundation

A/C number  59189094

Sort Code  60-83-71 

Should you get any type of message - click 'continue anyway.'

Please make the bank payment reference the title of your story ( or as many words that can fit ).

Then add 'paid by BACS' to the top of the flash story you want to enter in the competition ( please remember competition entries should be between 100 and 300 words! )

Then paste your story into the copy submissions box below, fill in your details, and press submit!

Note - your story will be considered a regular submission and not a competition entry if there is no mention of 'paid by BACS.'

Many Thanks!

Any problems or questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via


Flash Fiction - Submission

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