The Critique Service...


The critique of your flash fiction will include a general analysis of your work, a line edit to highlight manuscript faults, and an overall analysis that will offer suggestions for improvement.


Your flash fiction will be critiqued by Dale Stromberg of Stromberg Literary.


The cost is £10.50 for a flash fiction story up to 500 words via PayPal / Stripe - Please, if you can, pay via Stripe.


Dale Stromberg is an author, editor, and translator. He studied the art of fiction with the novelists Richard Bankowsky and Doug Rice at California State University, Sacramento before spending about a decade in Tokyo, where he fronted a few bands. Now he lives near Kuala Lumpur. He is the author of Melancholic Parables, a short prose collection, and has published short fiction in Planet Scumm, Denver Quarterly, JMWW, New World Writing, Gone Lawn, MoonPark Review, Litro Magazine, Vol.1 Brooklyn, and elsewhere. He is developing a contemplative fantasy novel and co-authoring a sci-fi novel. As an editor, he has worked with novelists in the U.K. and the U.S. He handles both literary and genre work; all that matters is that the story matter. Links to Dale's work as an author can be found on his website here...

Feedback for his critique work can be found here at Stromberg

Should you require a critique for fiction work with the word count of a short story or novel, please contact Dale here -


Please remember the upper word limit for a flash fiction critique is 500.




Since I started writing, which is quite recently, I’ve discovered that the best way to learn and improve is through feedback and critique. Hence, I decided to pay the nominal fee to get Dales's critique of a short story I’m working on. The comprehensive critique and suggestions I received were invaluable and have helped me make the story even better. PR


'I would like to thank Dale for his excellent critique. It's an eye-opening experience and I can't wait to rework the piece.' Isabelle B.L


'Please can you pass on my thanks to Dale Stromberg for his recent critique of my story. His comments are both insightful and constructive. Their pertinence extends beyond this story and will help me shape, structure and hopefully create tension in future stories as well.' CH


'Please thank Dale for his incredibly prompt, perceptive and pertinent feedback. His comments and suggestions have been so helpful in editing the piece further.' CG


To receive a critique of your flash fiction please fill in the form below,

Thank you

Flash Fiction - Critique
Price: £10.50

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