The Free Flash Fiction Library Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Johan Smits: The Question Mark Stocker: Girl, in an archway Sarah McNamara: Train 1525 Michael Downing: The Story Teller Lynne Curry: I Need A New Human Joanna Miller: Competition Twenty-Five Winning Flash Fiction: Ghosts In The Holloway Dettra Rose: Competition Twenty-Five Highly Commended: Guarding the Broken Gate Anne Howkins: Competition Twenty-Five Highly Commended: Because Education Matters Jean Fyfe: Competition Twenty-Five Shortlisted: The River Clare Middlecote: Competition Twenty-Five Shortlisted: The Bewitching Hour Sharon Boyle: Competition Twenty-Five Shortlisted: Life Had Been Grinding Along For An Ice-Age When One Night… Pam Avoledo: We Were The Skyline Don Nigroni: A Snitch in Time Scott MacLeod: In The Chips Samantha Barclay: Sandpiper Emma Phillips: Santa Fraud Melissa Dennison: The Red Tent Paul McDonald: The Taxidermist’s Art Douglas MacKevett: Hunger Jim Harrington: The One Jude Luttrell Bradley: Architecture of Love Susan Barsby: Syringo/ Syringa Eleanor Luke: Competition Twenty-Four Winning Flash Fiction: When the results from the ancestry site come through, Dilly’s mother admits she didn’t use a sperm bank after all Chris Cottom: Competition Twenty-Four Highly Commended: Things You Can’t Say at Your Sea Scouts Tryout Fiona McKay: Competition Twenty-Four Highly Commended: Don’t Look Away, Don’t Look Back, Don’t Look Tim Cameron Long: Competition Twenty-Four Shortlisted: Chalma Graham Rice: Competition Twenty-Four Shortlisted: Bubble Man Alison Wassell: Competition Twenty-Four Shortlisted: A Beautiful Bruise Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe: They’re Stupid Peter Dellolio: Halloween In New England Simon Steven: The Physics of Marriage Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe: The Trestle Julia Vellucci: Tragedy Pete Prokesch: How to Save a Marriage Louise Morriss: Inside The Peach There Is A Stone David Patten: Art Gallery Daniel Key: Greenfinger Elizabeth Murphy: That Stink of Stale Chanel Caroline Greene: Competition Twenty-Three Winning Flash Fiction: A Poet Rejuvenates The Parts Other Treatments Cannot Reach Bev Clark: Competition Twenty-Three Highly Commended: THE MARKETPLACE Caroline Mckenzie: Competition Twenty-Three Highly Commended: Dule Tree Kate Diamond: Competition Twenty-Three Shortlisted: Unspoken Epilogue Alexandra Peel: Competition Twenty-Three Shortlisted: Our Town Denarii Peters: Competition Twenty-Three Shortlisted: An Occasional Destruction of Roses Fergus Reid: Late Ellie Ness: Deluge Cecilia Kennedy: The Haunted Tiara Roopa Menon: Billowing Smoke Anika Carpenter: We Were Dispirited Whitney Glover: Windswept and Handsome Girl JP Richards: Marmite Scott MacLeod: Two Eggs, Over Easy Hattie Logan: Blue Monday Joelle Killian: Medusa Fails Therapy Jude Potts: A jammed-up heart can’t keep its beat, so how can time heal it? Zary Fekete: Eucharist Chris Cottom: Isosceles and Equilateral Joel O'Flaherty: Driftwood Chris Cottom: Competition Twenty-Two Winning Flash Fiction: Hungry Like the Wolf Heather D Haigh: Competition Twenty-Two Highly Commended: Johnny’s a Fighter Eleanor Luke: Competition Twenty-Two Highly Commended: Two Teardrops in a Tidal Wave Vijayalakshmi Sridhar: Competition Twenty-Two Shortlisted: The Mermaid’s Tail Emily Macdonald: Competition Twenty-Two Shortlisted: FOUR OF THESE FIVE DREAMS TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE Kate Axeford: Competition Twenty-Two Shortlisted: For What We Are About To Receive Daniel Guy Baldwin: Atlas Suffocated Barbara Kuessner Hughes: Antiques And Ashes Liam Kerry: Something to Declare Laura Shell: Through These Eyes Ali Rowland: No Fantasy Stories Involving Elves, Magic Potions, Wizards Etc Will Be Accepted Adele Evershed: The Forgiving Business Claire Schön: On the Bench Paul McDonald: Eggs Roger Haydon: Donald’s End Patience Mackarness: Targeted E. W. Farnsworth: Patina Deb Campbell: Wall of Glass Karen Southall Watts: Private Property Sherry Morris: When the Trumpeter Carries On Emma Phillips: Competition Twenty-One Winning Flash Fiction: Coming Home From the Mill At Least Is Certain (After LS Lowry) Shirley Ann Bunyan: Competition Twenty-One Highly Commended: Bees Fly Jude Potts: Competition Twenty-One Highly Commended: A Kintsugi Heart Denise Bayes: Competition Twenty-One Shortlisted: Suffusion of Colour Karen Arnold: Competition Twenty-One Shortlisted: Radio Free Europe Alison Wassell: Competition Twenty-One Shortlisted: Land Girl Mina Otsuka: Order of Operations Brendan Thomas: Strong Foundations Roberta Beach Jacobson: Mr Blue Jacket Martin Eaton: You & Me Donald Mason: At Wapping, East London (ca. 1909) Donald Ranard: The Room Joe Giordano: One Boy’s Trouble Crockett Doob: Boring Sex Neil K. Henderson: Open Season For Orbiting Fridges Linda Hibbin: BIG FOOT Donald Mason: Three figures, executed in charcoal by Jacob Vaughan of Leonard Vaughan, his father Charles Prelle: Competition Twenty Winning Flash Fiction: The Tree Wife Jane Broughton: Competition Twenty Highly Commended: My mother has become an owl Jonathan Saint: Competition Twenty Highly Commended: Heat Richard Hughes: Competition Twenty Shortlisted: The Box of Tears Emily Macdonald: Competition Twenty Shortlisted: TAKE IT AWAY SNOW-WHITE GIRL. IT’S ALL YOURS. IT’S ALL YOURS. Chris Cottom: Competition Twenty Shortlisted: O that my tongue were in the thunder’s mouth Michael Bloor: The Eyes Audrey Niven: 78 Synonyms to live by Shoshauna Shy: So Long “Best By Date” Karris Rae: Grindstone Hazel Humphreys: The Death of Poetry Salvatore Difalco: Recovery Christopher J. Burke: A Sliver of Pi Cheryl Snell: Full Turn Andrea Lucy-Hirst: Mine James Roderick Burns: The Moustache Debra Plucknett: Chicken Skirmish Zary Fekete: Bird Market Rory ffoulkes: Into the valley of death William Cass: Neighbors Robert James-Robbins: Sound of the Crowd Alison Wassell: Not Everything In The Seventies Was Black And White Adele Evershed: Keeping Up Appearances Kik Lodge: Cliff Richard is being auctioned Adele Evershed: Competition Nineteen Winning Flash Fiction: Scenes of War and Other Things I’ve Forgotten Jude Potts: Competition Nineteen Highly Commended: Over Her Heart, A Tattoo – Here Be Dragons Karen Arnold: Competition Nineteen Highly Commended: Dancing At The Galway Oyster Festival Leonard Kress: Competition Nineteen Shortlisted: Cubism Gary Finnegan: Competition Nineteen Shortlisted: Biology Lessons Maria Thomas: Competition Nineteen Shortlisted: A Werewolf in Soho Ian Carass: Summer’s Day Sarah Barnett: The Genie of The Lamp’s Sojourn in Alfred’s Antique Shop, Leipziger Street, Berlin, Germany, 1935-1938 David Patten: Brief Respite Roger Haydon: Making Christmas Okay Ted Witham: The Raven Always Comes Back Leonard Kress: The Relic Robert James-Robbins: Belladonna Chandrika R Krishnan: Never was it an easy journey Cindy Pereira: Mother Ocean Derek McMillan: The Weed Ramona Gore: Extenuating Circumstances S.A. Greene: Competition Eighteen Winning Story: Annie Builds Walls Maria Thomas: Competition Eighteen Highly Commended: Perfectly Portioned Victoria Sponge Kathy Hoyle: Competition Eighteen Highly Commended: Fish Sands, 1984 Chris Cottom: Competition Eighteen Shortlisted: Things I Can’t Forget from Six Days That Summer Cheryl Tan: Competition Eighteen Shortlisted: Abandonment Study Cecilia Kennedy: All the Rest Esther Arthurson: Genesis 2 John Holmes: The Waiting Room Game Kate Axeford: The Horror behind Halloween, Uncle Jimmy’s Tree Karen Arnold: “Antigone Lives in Flat 1A, Don’t Leave Her Post here. Also The Bell Doesn’t Work, Please Knock Loudly” Zoe Davis: Greensleeves Daisy Ravenel: Slash Mark Harbinger: Mindful Listening Bill Cox: Life in Three Dimensions Alejandro Gonzales: Another World Emma Burnett: Fluid Movements Anne Howkins: The Cat and the Fiddle Christopher P. Mooney: The Eternal Loop of Life and Death Carol Caffrey: Caveat Emptor Mike Taylor: At The End Karen Southall Watts: Ophiology Richard Hughes: We Emma Phillips: Competition Seventeen Winning Story: Frontier Beck Collett: Competition Seventeen Highly Commended: Pig Willow Fiona J. Mackintosh: Competition Seventeen Highly Commended: Ocularity Isabelle Fortaleza-Tan: Competition Seventeen Shortlisted: Temima Elizabeth Taylor: Competition Seventeen Shortlisted: Lost Property Willelmina Joseph-Loewenthal: The Volunteer Gardener Janet Sillett: Wine, Pork Pies and Bananas J. Iner Souster: The Things We Find in a Museum Deanna Salser: Sleep Is A Curious Thing Daphne Fischer: Tight! Tight! Daphne Loads: Lunacy Adaora Ogunniyi: Six-Feet Melanie Maggard: Remains of My Youth J. Iner Souster: Vast Expanse Emma Burnett: Janice’s son Linda Hibbin: AMBROSIAL EXPECTATIONS Vs. ACERBIC REALITY Timothy C Goodwin: Grandma Visits Us At The Pizza Shop Elizabeth Murphy: Seven’s Tale Jonathan Hunter: The Helium Hullabaloo Michael G. O'Connell: Enda Things Sarah Royston: Competition Sixteen Winner: Three rites for a passage Fiona J. Mackintosh: Competition Sixteen Highly Commended: Trojan Horse Chris Cottom: Competition Sixteen Highly Commended: Salad Days Heather D Haigh: Competition Sixteen Shortlisted: This House Knows Laura Besley: Competition Sixteen Shortlisted: Safe Maureen Telfer: Salvage Karen Watts: Wounded Nightingales Ellie Ness: Tick Tock Eliza Fairley: High Tide Nick Black: The Lost Kingdom J. Iner Souster: The Owl Mairead Robinson: Fluid Hannah Retallick: Rose Water Derville Quigley: Nowhere Girls Chris Burchett: Secret bishness Eleanor Ness: Waiting Room Sherry Morris: Hard Hug Eliza Fairley: This Farm Has a Ghost Adele Evershed: Synonyms Emma Phillips: Competition Fifteen Winner: Here Come The Gulls JP Relph: Competition Fifteen Highly Commended: Silly Girl Claire Schön: Competition Fifteen Highly Commended: Breaking Eggs Jackie Morris: Competition Fifteen Shortlisted: Storm Madeline, 2016 Julia Ruth Smith: Competition Fifteen Shortlisted: Float, Sail, Move On Mathew Gostelow: As the Halo Faded, So Did the Ghosts of Us JD Clapp: The Physics of a Breakup Esther Byrne: Take my place Geoff Sawers: The Watch Denis Bell: Tom Christine Reeves: A Good Life? Mark Mayes: Message J. Iner Souster: From Hope Came Peace, and From Peace Came Home Julius Olofsson: Levitating Sam McPherson: Limbo Sandy K Verma: Buttermilk Mother Kathryn Silver-Hajo: What Their Hands Did JJ Courtney: Truth or Dare Cheryl Snell: Renunciation Karen Arnold: Don’t Start With The Photographs Helen Rana: Aftermath Charles Prelle: Competition Fourteen Winning Story: The Transfer of Energy Between Two Bodies in Motion Fhionna Mac: Competition Fourteen Highly Commended: He Will Understand Eventually Eleanor Luke: Competition Fourteen Highly Commended: Always the Thief Stephen Leatherdale: Competition Fourteen Shortlisted: Pursuit Abigail Williams: Competition Fourteen Shortlisted: Love Hoarder Martha Lane: Sweet Tea Elizabeth Murphy: Weather Extremes Maya Cheav: The Swelling of the Years NR: Winter + Spring Swetha Amit: Grandpa’s haunt Gina Maranto: The Good Dentist Michael Bloor: Nemesis J. Iner Souster: Springs Early Thaw Adele Evershed: Moth to a Flame Kevin Owen: Mittendorf’s Diamond Roopa Swaminathan: Sixth-Grade Elections at Indira International School Eleanor Luke: Elsie’s Tropical Aquarium of Lost Souls Sophie Greenwood: fuzz Daniel Addercouth: I’ll Come Back and Visit Lorette C. Luzajic: The Gnome Roger Haydon: Household chores Andy Smith: This Bastard Pen Debra Williams: Vincent at Arles Sarah Hunter: The old railway tunnel Maria Thomas: Competition Thirteen Winning Story: Grandpa called her Tiger Chris Cottom: Competition Thirteen Highly Commended: Things I Won’t Forget Now I’ve Moved Back Home Kerry Hadley-Pryce: Competition Thirteen Highly Commended: Enough Joyce Bingham: Competition Thirteen Shortlisted: The Statue of Infertility Richard Hooton: Competition Thirteen Shortlisted: Quizmaster Cecilia Kennedy: Search Party Cecilia L. Maddison: The Wheel Alejandro Gonzales: The Reunion Emma Mather: After you say, “I do” K. J. Watson: Literary Demon Robert Nazar Arjoyan: A Fathom Is Six Feet Zary Fekete: Volcano Girl Adele Evershed: While Memory Holds A Seat Elizabeth Murphy: Peace on Earth Omobola Osamor: Voyeur Jennifer Braunfels: Captive J. Iner Souster: Into the Silence, She Drives Me Brian Holland: Ships on their Tongues Madison Randolph: Trapped in a Memory Anne Goodwin: Hiroshima Maidens Michael Bloor: Double Dating Alex Rankin: Mother of Thousands Linda Hibbin: Talking it Thro— Alison Wassell: The Upcycler Alejandro Gonzales: The Book Dann Wonser: Damage Alison Wassell: Competition Twelve Winning Story: Superman Smiles Karen Arnold: Competition Twelve Highly Commended: In Ordinary Times Martha Lane: Competition Twelve Highly Commended: The Carver Chris Cottom: Competition Twelve Shortlisted: Physical Geography Rachel Canwell: Competition Twelve Shortlisted: Instructions for sweethearts watching Spitfires leave Jim Latham: Stop Transmission John Sheirer: Purest Tess Hassan: Piano Boy J. Iner Souster: The Bite Marion Lougheed: Cut Flowers Lizzie Eldridge: Swim to Me Courtney Harler: Pickle Juice Val Roberts: Just like Colditz Roopa Swaminathan: Maria’s Speech About Weighty Issues T. K. Howell: Tahiti Maria Thomas: Mrs Daniels does the wrong thing Rita Ciresi: This Way and That Mehreen Ahmed: Tongi J. Iner Souster: The Wraith Jack Bumby: Frame 313 Jackie Morris: The Mural on the Playroom Wall Angeline Schellenberg: Spinning Julia Ruth Smith: Competition Eleven Winning Story: Your Husband Is a Crocodile Tonight Emily Macdonald: Competition Eleven Highly Commended: PUMPING AT PIHA Jo Clark: Competition Eleven Highly Commended: Dead Water Alison Wassell: Competition Eleven Shortlisted: Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting Fiona McKay: Competition Eleven Shortlisted: The Destroying Angel Fiona McKee: Reflecting Rachel Canwell: English Garden, Munich. 3.9.1939 Alisha J Prince: Tinnitus Maria Thomas: Fragments Emily Macdonald: The Sun Still Insists Upon Rising Roopa Swaminathan: Keeping Up With The Robertsons Mathieu Cailler: Extra Innings Michael Bloor: The Wisdom of Work Placements Amanda Marples: Heaven is for Forest Bathers Kate Axeford: My Sister the Violin Ben Wakefield: Offerings Jim Latham: Noon in Florida Ann Marie Struck: Amelia’s Run Shoshauna Shy: Hide and Seek Hugh Cartwright: How to Shrink Your Bedroom Fhionna Mac: Over the Dyke Ian McNaughton: In a Flap Roger Haydon: Life and death in sixty four squares Salvatore Difalco: En Route Marion Bowler: Beachcomber Fiona Campbell: The magic of music Viktoria Dahill: Cow Tongues Kay Lesley Reeves: A Second Chance JP Relph: Competition Ten Winning Story: Do Everything Your Mama Said Not To Anne Daly: Competition Ten Highly Commended: Love Letter to the Sea Sherry Morris: Competition Ten Highly Commended: Eilidh’s Amulet Isabelle B.L: Competition Ten Shortlisted: Prickly Pears Jane Broughton: Competition Ten Shortlisted: Sindy fights dirty Willelmina Joseph-Loewenthal: The Derelict Omobola Osamor: My Left Hand John Reid: Swipe Kim Tennison: Whisper to a Dandelion Jonathan Hunter: A Squirrel Kissing Metamorphoses Karen Walker: I unwrap a bottle of Tuscan herb infused olive oil, untie the white bow Michelle Chin: Tetris and Trauma (it’s all fun & games) Tim Kirton: Man with a Gun Rory ffoulkes: Lights flashing under the door Michael Bloor: The Trip to St Andrews Valmic Mukund: Parrot Killer Roopa Swaminathan: Lily Mars Nobody: Excerpt from the Diary of Edgar Payson Mehreen Ahmed: Black Tulip Maria Thomas: Of Cabbages and Fools Colleen Cox: Birthday Sparklers Amber Miller: Night One-Hundred-Fifty K.J. Hanson: Grief Mander Ellis: Passing Thru Karen Watts: Don’t Be Alarmed Lindsay Bamfield: Lessons Learned in the Playground Emily Key: Electric Love Thomas Morgan: On the Tape Salvatore Difalco: MR. TESTICOLI Armand Diab: My Craft Della Leavitt: The Necklace Charles Prelle: Competition Nine Winning Story: White Noise Agnes Halvorssen: Competition Nine Highly Commended: Kelly Bishop says her house is haunted Kathy Hoyle: Competition Nine Highly Commended: In the Dinosaur Museum, the Bones are Exposed Sarah Barnett: Competition Nine Shortlisted: When they tried to make me neurotypical (and not be me) Mary Francis: Competition Nine Shortlisted: Diary of a Unicorn Hunter Mars Nobody: Big Bait Andrew Johnson: The Psychiatrist and the Storyteller Anika Carpenter: How We Celebrate Being Understood Jack T. Canis: Phobetor Roopa Swaminathan: A Day in the Life of a Chili Rob Schnepp: T-R-O-U-B-L-E Adele Hally: Waiting, Waiting Marilyn Parr: What I’ll Do Tomorrow Alex Antiuk: Big Red Nose Doug Hawley: A Cat Who … Martha Lane: A Skein Disrupted Alejandro Gonzales: Death Wish Tim Dadswell: Cornered Jason Jawando: Prometheus and the Toucan Caroline Osborne: When In Rome Kristen Henderson: Cancer Ghosts Finnian Burnett: Red Shirts Sometimes Survive Katie Willow: Dropping the Scales Roopa Swaminathan: Secrets of a Marriage #LongTermCoupleGoals Zach Murphy: Opossum Helen Harradine: The Glass Partition Linda Hibbin: Thank heaven for little girls Cole Beauchamp: Pensive Millennial Looking At Skyline Michelle Christophorou: Competition Eight Winning Story: My child speaks with the voice of a swallow Iona Rule: Competition Eight Highly Commended: Kiss Me, Tiger Denise Bayes: Competition Eight Highly Commended: Off-Track Mark Stocker: Competition Eight Shortlisted: Where it stops Abi Hennig: Competition Eight Shortlisted: Zero Hour: Slash and Burn Jeremy Nathan Marks: Chameleon Zary Fekete: Clinic Chella Courington: When Leaves Begin to Die Hannah Powell: Stuck Hannah Barnes: In The Early Hours Bridget J. Daly: Airborne Joseph Lewis: Burn Nora Nadjarian: Watermelon and Black Pips RJ Witlaw: A Door Never Opened Geoff Sawers: In Her Own Skin Derek McMillan: A Likely Story Leonore Wilson: Barbed Wire Viktoria Dahill: Wholegrain Mustard Paul McDonald: They Lied About the Ice Cream Mehreen Ahmed: The Box Bridget J. Daly: In Which The Passenger Consults the Menu While a Drama Unfolds Below Freddie Bonfanti: Emma’s Struggle Paul Beckman: Giving Back Is My Job Roopa Swaminathan: Grief-stricken Tom Baldwin: The Circle Madison LaTurner: Interlude Tim Kirton: Doris Martha Lane: Competition Seven Winning Story: The Grievers’ Horror Film Club Daniel Guy Baldwin: Competition Seven Highly Commended: SCRABBLE (14) Sherry Morris: Competition Seven Highly Commended: The Xylophonist’s Tune Julia Ruth Smith: Competition Seven Shortlisted: How to Defrost a Heart Roger Haydon: Competition Seven Shortlisted: Call me, tell me it was you Kik Lodge: 840 times in succession Cindy Hossain: What happens in the Arctic stays in the Arctic Joyce Bingham: Castle in my pockets Gaile Vince: The Summoning Sarah Hunter: In the garden Terry Holland: Smoke of Dreams majoki: so the Sherpas say Isabella Murray: Kinship of Music Linda Hazaymeh: The Honeymoon Roopa Swaminathan: She and Him S.A. Greene: O! My America Susan Earlam: Mealtime Nicole. K. Hollick: Bitter Orange Blossoms Catherine Moscatt: Contributions Kieren Westwood: Empty Backyard Pool Coleman Bigelow: Estranged Isabelle B.L: A New Season Ian Coldicott: The A to Z Saoirse Rafferty: Vulnerable Louella Lester: Blood From a Tick Tamiko Dooley: Ryoko (Trips) Bridget J. Daly: Driftwood Iqbal Hussain: Look Not Backwards Christopher P. Mooney: She, Her, Everything, Always Doug Hawley: Undercover Tim Kirton: My Perfect Man Ian Coldicott: I Had No Idea Kyle Hemmings: The Sting Jonathan Hunter: All They Wanted Was Chips in Weston Don Tassone: Free Rachel O'Cleary: Competition Six Winning Story: Fight, Flight, and Freeze Andrew Deathe: Competition Six Highly Commended: The Price of Love Catherine O'Brien: Competition Six Highly Commended: The End Frances Gapper: Competition Six Shortlisted: Light Romance Fiona McKay: Competition Six Shortlisted: Palimpsest Maxwell Suzuki: Mary’s Bouquet Erica Sharlette: By the Light Ryan Norman: Sinking Dawn Siofra North: Little Splashes Of Yellow Catherine O'Brien: Sometimes I visit them Caroline Jenner: The Fair Matthew Hisbent: Meadow sweet memory Kate Miller: Management of Grief Jenny Woodhouse: More sacred than the confessional Tim Kirton: Sunday Morning Kate Flannery: The Janitor Rosie Arcane: Laid Bare Ian Coldicott: I Opened the Letter Marie Little: Number Nine had the Only Good View Lewi Lewis: The Man Who Only Thought He Was Eikus .S: This isn’t England Cecilia Kennedy: Devil’s Urn Meryl Hulber: Corey’s Worth Harry Wilding: The End John Crawford: Waiting on Bridesmaids in a Convenience Store Parking Lot Linda Hibbin: der Formschneider Ian Coldicott: Little Oranges Tim Kirton: The Nobbled Boat Karen Watts: Progress Shelley Kirton: Bird of Pray Marvin Harris: What I Learned From Deidra Iqbal Hussain: The Price of Love Carys Crossen: The Perils of Vampire Hunting in Limerick, Ireland Martha Lane: Competition Five Winning Story: 2He Kate Axeford: Competition Five Highly Commended: Guilty Rachel O'Cleary: Competition Five Highly Commended: Night is an Unbroken Line Daniel Guy Baldwin: Competition Five Shortlisted: The Physics of Attraction Stewart McKay: Competition Five Shortlisted: Tiny Pieces of Sky SJ Townend: Some fruit are hermaphrodite, some people are wankers Samuel Skuse: The Cottage Looked Over the Graveyard Jane Broughton: Five Minutes More Robert Keal: Night Light Zaqary Anderson: The Clown Machine Adam Staten: The Chocolate Frog Bandits Hugh Cartwright: Sudden Death Alejandro Gonzales: Dear Delilah Roger Haydon: Pigeons are easy Martha Lane: Losing Count in KS1 Salvatore Difalco: Constancy Leela Soma: Ayah’s Home E. Nolan: Other Places, Other Events, Other Answers Dorcas Wilson: The Assistant Amy Byrne: Words On a Plane Robert Kostanczuk: Bye, Corner Grocery Store Josh Dale: The Keyring Nikki Williams: Prognosis Kay Medway: A Sisterly Home Kate MacDonald: A Reflection Izabela Ilowska: Less Final Jacqui Pack: Riding High Michael James: Making the Most of it