The Free Future Foundation



What is the Free Future Foundation?


At present, it is just ideas - and a discussion point about what could be done with all things flash fiction among the FFF Team - those ideas include the publishing of books, supporting aspiring writers and artists, writers retreats and job creation via the Free Flash Fiction website...and other things!

Please inspire FFF - we need the skills and experience of those who know the process of how to publish a book...Send FFF an email - how do we do it?



Want occasional links to flash fiction stories?

Want to know when our competitions are open?

Notes on subscription to the FFF mailing list - Please read for legal purposes.
On joining the FFF Mailing List I understand my name and email address will be included in the FFF Mailing List database - and at any time I want my name and email address deleted permanently from the FFF Mailing List database all that is required is to email
with the subject unsubscribe - and my name and email address will be deleted permanently from the FFF Mailing List database.
FFF will not spam your inbox - maybe once a month we will send out links to the latest published flash fiction pieces, the competition-winning flash fiction stories, and a reminder to those writers who find a competition deadline an impetus to write, edit and submit.


Join the FFF mailing list here..

( If you have joined previously and not received any emails - please check your email address is correct and join again ). 

Let's build the network!