Martha Lane

Sweet Tea

I set off in the same direction I do every day, my loafers loafing as much as always. The light graze of them on the concrete as they flap slightly off my foot with each step is a shush and a hush carrying me along. The streets are quiet, no one tends to be awake […]

Sweet Tea Read More »

A Skein Disrupted

When a goose is injured or sick and needs to leave the skein; the V, like outstretched arms reaching across the sky, another two accompany it. It’s evolution, something hardwired. A way to ensure no goose is ever left alone. If two, not three, return, the flock honk in mourning. As children, hand in hand,

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Competition Three Highly Commended: The octopus, the leopard, and the lyre

We ate pancakes for breakfast, cracked shell in the mix. Crunchy shards, grit between our teeth. We laughed about it. Not loud, but enough to start the day without thunder. I’d walked home the night before, spotted a vinyl in a charity shop window. Presented you with it over syrup-streaked plates, just because. You left

Competition Three Highly Commended: The octopus, the leopard, and the lyre Read More »

Summer fete

Three students have accused you of taking it. Hundreds of pounds probably. They say they saw you. Say it wasn’t a surprise. Why wouldn’t someone like you steal that amount of money? Maybe you did. Maybe you were hypnotised by it, winking and flirting with you. Maybe you took it without realising. But you know

Summer fete Read More »

Competition Two Highly Commended: In an unwashed t-shirt, bought from a charity shop without checking the pattern or condition, a greetings card writer watches nature documentaries

A sharp-tailed grouse tap-dances on the snow, feet working like a drill. Alaskan, purple yellow mask on. He has a task to do. It’s not enough to leer at females from the side lines. The field, an arena. If he wants to mate, he has to play. With steely eyes, hens measure his wingspan. Judging.

Competition Two Highly Commended: In an unwashed t-shirt, bought from a charity shop without checking the pattern or condition, a greetings card writer watches nature documentaries Read More »